Underearners Anonymous New York Intergroup invites you to a day of virtual workshops around the theme of “Progress, not Perfection”
Progress, not Perfection:
Making Recovery our First Priority
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, May 23, 2021
Please sign up, this helps us know how many to make room for.
Also, consider helping out with time keeping, zoom waiting room, co-host, etc. that helps make the day run smoothly!
The Share-day Zoom link is https://zoom.us/j/99752025616.

ZOOM LINK https://zoom.us/j/99752025616
We ask attendees to register in advance, so we can make sure we have enough online capacity. However, registration is not required for the event, and no one will be turned away because they haven’t registered.
2021 Share-a-Day Registration
Online registration for May 23, 2021 share-a-day
There is no fee for the workshops, and we will not turn anyone away who has no money to give today, but a donation of $5 is suggested for each workshop you attend to support the work of New York Intergroup.
If you are not familiar with Zoom, it is strongly suggested that you set up an account in advance, and perhaps attend some UA Zoom meetings to become familiar with the technology. The NY Intergroup of AA has published a step-by-step guide for setting up Zoom accounts here.
If you would like to volunteer to help with one or more of these workshops, please register here. To help make the workshop run smoothly, several people are needed to help with the dashboard, and we also need some people to introduce the speakers, so put those good phone meeting skills to use, and step up for service!
Share-a-Day Guidelines
- Please respect the other event attendees, and dress and behave as you would during a face-to-face meeting.
- If you haven’t used Zoom before, please click the link to download Zoom prior to the day of the event and familiarize yourself with the features you may need—mute/unmute microphone, stop/start video, chat, etc. You may find it helpful to attend a UA Zoom meeting ahead of the event to become comfortable.
- In line with the 12th Tradition, please make sure that your full name or company is not visible on your Zoom account. If you do not wish your face to be recorded, make sure that your Zoom profile picture is blank or otherwise anonymous.
- It is suggested that you join early – at least 5 minutes before the event start time
- If you wish to share at the event, please find a quiet space without interruptions / background noise.
- If you wish to turn your video on, please make sure your background is not distracting. If you are walking or moving around, or other people are walking around in the background, we ask that you turn your video off.
- During the event, please only use the chat feature to respond to questions asked by the Facilitator. (There will be a chance to ask for/offer help and swap contact information via chat at the end of the session.)