UA NY Intergroup is organizing a Share-a-Day for October 16, and we are looking for volunteers willing to step up for service to the program.
We are looking for people to help with the following roles—we will be asking volunteers to prepare for at least two positions at each event, in case connection issues prevent other people from dialing in:
- MC: master of ceremonies to introduce the event, read the Welcome script, and wrap the workshop up at the end
- Co-hosts: a team of people familiar with the Zoom dashboard, or willing to learn, to moderate the event; members of this group will be assigned specific hosting tasks:
- Waiting Room Manager
- Chat/Spotlight/Mute Manager
- Break Out Room Manager
- Screen Share Manager
- Time-keeper: people willing to keep track of time
You will also be asked to join rehearsal session ahead of the event.
Volunteer Registration
Online registration for Zoom event volunteers
If you have any questions, please contact shareaday@nullua-ny.org.