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If you would like to be informed about upcoming UA Events, please add your email address to the mailing list for our online newsletter.

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You will get occasional updates about meetings, news, events etc. if you sign up for the UA New York Intergroup’s Newsletter

To contact us with questions, issues or concerns, or to submit events, news, information and articles for this website, please use the form below.

Note that all submissions may be edited for content and style before being posted; in general, we will try verify any changes with you before posting, but we may not always be able to do so.

  • Please provide the name you wish to be identified by for public purposes; in keeping with the principle of anonymity, we suggest a format such as First Name, Last Initial, Location (e.g., "Bill W., Akron").
  • Please provide a telephone number we can use to contact you; this information will not be shared outside NY Intergroup.
  • Please provide an email address we can use to contact you; this information will not be shared outside NY Intergroup.
  • Please enter your question, or the title for the event or meeting.
  • Please enter the meeting or event details or changes, or any additional information related to your question.
  • You are welcome to submit one or more files with additional information - images, PDFs, etc.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 GB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    If you would like to be informed about upcoming UA Events, please add your email address to the mailing list.