Memorial Service for Jerry Mundis

It is with great regret that we announce the death of Jerrold Mundis. The UA program was inspired by his book, Earn What You Deserve.

A virtual memorial service will be held as follows:

Date: April 19, 2020

Time: 3:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)

The service will be held via Zoom Meeting, meeting code 674 745 710, password JERRY

You can also listen in to the service by dialing one of the following numbers:

Past Events

“Fall Back Into Recovery”
Share-A-Day #12 on November 3, 2019

Underearners of Greater New York workshop invitation Nov 3, 2019
Share-a-Day invitation Nov 3, 2019

Underearners Anonymous of Greater New York joined for a half day chock full of workshops, talks, action meetings, literature, and sponsor-sponsee meets. About 80 people participated and many fellows signed up for the newsletter.

Empire Share-a-Day – From Surviving to Thriving

If you would like to step up for service, we are looking for a few more speakers and workshop leaders, as well as volunteers to help out on the day by greeting newcomers, staffing registration and literature desks, or just directing traffic. Please contact Seth at

A more detailed schedule will be circulated closer to the event.

Sep 24 Share-a-Day Update: Schedule Announced!

The schedule and workshop titles for the upcoming September 24th Share-a-Day have now been announced:

Opening Up to a Bigger World

Opening up to the worldSt. Margaret’s House
Fulton Street (between Pearl & Cliff Streets)


  • Registration & Orientation
  • Literature (throughout the day)
  • Sponsor/Sponsee meetup (throughout the day)


  • Introduction, including qualifications and sharing


  • Claiming Our Seat
  • Coming Out of the Cave
  • Action Meetings (thoughout the morning)


  • Taking Risks in Recovery
  • Owning Our Recovery


  • Registration


  • How High Can We Fly?
  • What is Abundance/Prosperity?


  • The 3 A’s: Awareness, Acceptance, Action
  • Vision & Goals


  • Talent Share


  • Closing, Announcements, Serenity Prayer

Printable Flyer: Share-a-Day 10 September 24, 2017




Recovery in UA – February 25 Share-a-Day

The theme of our February 25 Share-a-Day is “Recovery in UA.” We are again holding the event at St. Margaret’s House, 49  Fulton Street in Manhattan, but we are delighted to announce that we have been able to obtain more space for this event. This allows us to give members a choice of which stream most suits their needs in each session. We will also be running a Sponsor Meetup throughout the day.

Please make your choices and register for the event below:

Save the date – next Share-a-Day Feb 25!

The next Empire Share-a-Day will be Saturday, February 25, from 9:00am to 6:00pm. We will again be holding the event at St. Margaret’s House on Fulton Street, but this time we have found more space. That allows us to run multiple streams at once, so you can pick and choose which topics are most helpful to you!

We are still working out the full details—note especially that the titles of some of the sessions may change slightly—so please be on the lookout for another email with the full schedule and registration information!

As always, we need volunteers to help with tasks both big and small, before and during the event. Most especially this time, we will be needing coordinators—no recovery necessary, just the willingness to stand around directing traffic and answering questions. We are also looking for help at the registration table and the literature table. If you are feeling drawn to step up for the Tool of Service, these are wonderful opportunities! Please contact, and we will put you to good use!