New York City meetings today are affected by the snow as follows: 12:30pm Steps & Traditions – St. Bart’s is OPEN, so today’s meeting is ON!
8:00pm Power Tools – the Realization Center appears to be closed, so today’s meeting is OFF!
If you are coming to the 12:30pm meeting, please be careful: the sidewalks around the church are likely to be cleared, but they are also likely to still be slippery.
The theme of our February 25 Share-a-Day is “Recovery in UA.” We are again holding the event at St. Margaret’s House, 49 Fulton Street in Manhattan, but we are delighted to announce that we have been able to obtain more space for this event. This allows us to give members a choice of which stream most suits their needs in each session. We will also be running a Sponsor Meetup throughout the day.
Please make your choices and register for the event below:
The new lunchtime Steps & Traditions meeting at St. Bart’s now has a name—Steppin’ Out—and has moved to Tuesdays to avoid a space conflict at the church:
Meeting: Steppin’ Out
Days: Tuesday
Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Location: St. Bart’s, Crossroads Meeting Room
St. Bart’s Church, Park Avenue between 50th & 51st Streets
However long or short your lunch break, please stop by—with a format of reading from the 12&12, followed by shares on what we have read, we are confident you will hear what you need! You are welcome to bring your lunch with you, but please be respectful of the space, and carry out what you carry in.
St. Bartholomew’s Church is located in Midtown Manhattan on Park Avenue, between 50th & 51st Streets. It is convenient to the 4/5/6 Lexington Avenue subway line (51st Street stop), as well the EandM lines (Fifth Avenue or Lexington Avenue top), and the Lexington and Madison Avenue bus lines.
To find the Crossroads Meeting Room, take the left-most aisle, and then follow the signs to the rear of the church, or ask at the front desk. The space is wheelchair accessible, but please contact usin advance, as we need to coordinate that with the church (to unlock doors, etc.).
We are delighted to announce that we are are starting a new lunchtime meeting in Manhattan!
Days: ThursdayTuesday
Time: 12:30-1:30pm
Location: St. Bart’s, Memorial ChapelCrossroads Meeting Room
St. Bart’s Church, Park Avenue between 50th & 51st Streets
However long or short your lunch break, please stop by—with a format of reading from the 12&12, followed by shares on what we have read, we are confident you will hear what you need! You are welcome to bring your lunch with you, but please be respectful of the space, and carry out what you carry in.
St. Bartholomew’s Church is a beautiful location, popular with the movies, and located in Midtown Manhattan on Park Avenue, between 50th & 51st Streets. It is convenient to the Lexington Avenue subway line, as well the EandM lines, and the Lexington and Madison Avenue bus lines.
To find the Memorial Chapel Crossroads Meeting Room, take the left-most aisle, and then follow the signs to the rear of the church, or ask at the front desk. Please be aware that there are steps going up into the church, and steps going down to the chapel. (The Memorial Chapel is wheelchair accessible, but we do not have the directions yet.)
With All Angels unavailable due to staffing difficulties, the Wednesday 6:00pm Upper West Side Vision meeting has moved to Grace & St. Paul’s Church, 123 West 71st Street, starting January 18.
The Monday 4:15 pm Prosperous Travel Vision face-to-face meeting has moved from its previous temporary location to Little Poland, 200 Second Avenue (East 12th/13th Streets). If you are planning to go to the meeting, please contact to double check time and location!
The next Empire Share-a-Day will be Saturday, February 25, from 9:00am to 6:00pm. We will again be holding the event at St. Margaret’s House on Fulton Street, but this time we have found more space. That allows us to run multiple streams at once, so you can pick and choose which topics are most helpful to you!
We are still working out the full details—note especially that the titles of some of the sessions may change slightly—so please be on the lookout for another email with the full schedule and registration information!
As always, we need volunteers to help with tasks both big and small, before and during the event. Most especially this time, we will be needing coordinators—no recovery necessary, just the willingness to stand around directing traffic and answering questions. We are also looking for help at the registration table and the literature table. If you are feeling drawn to step up for the Tool ofService, these are wonderful opportunities! Please contact, and we will put you to good use!