It is with great regret that we announce the death of Jerrold Mundis. The UA program was inspired by his book, Earn What You Deserve.
A virtual memorial service will be held as follows:
Date: April 19, 2020
Time: 3:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
The service will be held via Zoom Meeting, meeting code 674 745 710, password JERRY
You can also listen in to the service by dialing one of the following numbers:
- New York 646-558-8656
- Chicago 312-626-6799
- Houston 346-248 -7799
- Denver 720-707-2699
- Washington State 253-215-8782
- Maryland 301-715-8592
- Look for other local numbers
- Meeting ID: 674 745 710
- Password: 122973